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Emails that can talk to APIs

Emails that can talk to APIs

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Vero’s Fusion functionality allows you to access your most accurate data when you need it.

With Fusion you can pull data from your own internal APIs or public API endpoints right before emails are sent, providing the accuracy and timeliness needed to deliver your customers a truly personalized experience.

Many of our customers have been using Fusion over the last few months and we’ve been delighted with the feedback. Today we’re excited to offer Fusion to all our customers!

Load data from its source

Vero’s Fusion uses APIs to access data where it originates: directly from internal databases or third-party platforms. Using Fusion follows a simple two-step process:

Connect an API endpoint

Add the URL of your external data source to an email using Vero’s Data Inspector. To enable loading individual, specific user and event data, Vero can pass identifying attributes with each API request (such as a user’s ID or email).

Add data to emails using Liquid

Data is loaded for access using the HTML templating language Liquid. This enables you to access the full JSON object and insert attributes (or HTML) into your email content, just this: {{external.user_region}}.

Example API endpoint


Fusion provides the data accuracy and timeliness that enables a new level of personalization, ensuring your emails are being rendered on a truly one-to-one basis.

Email as a true extension of your product

Fusion leverages the data you use to power personal content on your website, in your application or across other customer-facing tools, enabling you to craft superior interactions off-site in your emails. Examples include:


Access data models and create dynamically calculated product recommendation emails tailored specifically to each customer.

Dynamic Data and Charts

Pull complex data structures or even fully rendered HTML charts to deliver unique weekly updates with usage details to each customer.

Delightful details

Impress your users with personalized enriched data pulled from services like OpenWeather, Clearbit and more.

Fusion is now available to all our customers – our help center has an updated guide with details on how to use Fusion.

Don’t have a Vero account? Start a free trial and try out Fusion today.

Our team is distributed globally to provide 24/7 support so if you have any questions or need some help getting Fusion set up, email support@getvero.com and we’ll get right back to you.

Want to send more personalized mobile and email messages to your users?

Check out Vero, customer engagement software designed for product marketers. Message your users based on what they do (or don't do) in your product.

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